Every year, over 250 volunteers are involved in supporting the liturgies at All Saints Parish. It is our largest pool of volunteers, requiring devotion to the liturgy and dedication to the parish community. Thanks to these wonderful volunteers, we are able to celebrate the Eucharistic feast with beauty and solemnity.
Below, you will find information about some of the liturgical ministries involved in the Eucharistic celebrations at All Saints
Readers proclaim the Word of God at the Liturgy as well as the Prayers of the Faithful when a deacon is not present. They are fully-initiated, active Catholics who have a special love and reverence for the Word of God, a good speaking voice, willingness to study and pray over the sacred scriptures and are able to proclaim the readings with clarity and authenticity.
Eucharistic Ministers
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are members of the faithful who assist the priest and deacon by distributing Holy Communion to the assembly at Mass. They are fully-initiated, active Catholics who have a deep love and reverence for the Eucharist and who have a special awareness of the presence of Christ in each person who comes forward to the Table.
Altar Servers
Servers assist the priest and deacon at Mass with actions such as carrying the processional cross, holding the Missal, preparing the altar and other duties during the Mass. Servers are generally students who have completed 4th grade and above and must have received First Holy Communion; adults may serve for special functions as Masters of Ceremonies.
Ministers of Welcome
Ministers of welcome, or greeters, are the friendly face of All Saints to those who come in our doors. They arrive early and give a friendly hello to all who enter, sometimes assisting with distributing worship aids or song sheets. They serve at their favorite Mass time as individuals or as an entire family.
Ushers may also serve as ministers of welcome, but have particular responsibility to assist with seating in the church, taking the collection, dismissing pews at Communion, and distributing bulletins after Mass. Friendly adults and teens serve as leaders and children are welcome to volunteer to assist with baskets and bulletins.
To be involved in any of these ministries, please contact:
Paula Schmitz, Pastoral Assistant for Liturgy and Music
Phone: (253) 286-0028