• Picture by Jordan Chames

    Infant Baptism Preparation

    For parents and godparents of children under the age of 7

    Are you interested in getting your baby baptized, or going to be a godparent?

    Baptism classes are offered twice monthly and fill quickly!

    For a schedule of upcoming classes, please contact Kathryn Ramous at (253) 845-7521, ext. 006.

    The Catholic Church and our faith community share in your joy as you bring your child to the Sacrament of Baptism. All Saints Church honors parents' and godparents' roles as a child's first educators. We are here to support you in the faith development and experience of the child and the whole family.

    It is not easy to raise a child without help. Parents readily acknowledge that they need the love and prayers of the entire community.

    It is always a joyous occasion when an infant is baptized into the Catholic Faith. Classes for parents and godparents for the child’s sacrament of baptism, will be available the first and third Tuesday evening of each  month. Please make an appointment with Kathryn Ramous to discuss program expectations, complete paperwork for your child’s baptism and sign up for a class date. Baptisms will be scheduled on Saturdays at

    5 pm Vigil Mass, and at 9 and 11 am Sunday Masses. We do not have baptisms during the seasons of Advent or Lent.

    There are some times of the Church liturgical year when we refrain from celebrating Sacraments of Initiation, but we can still respond to your inquiries and schedule you for the Preparation sessions. 

    Baptism Preparation requirements for parents and godparents:

    • For parents seeking to Baptize their child, at least one parent must be a Baptized Catholic and a registered parishioner of All Saints Church.
    • New parents and godparents must attend a Baptism Preparation class. This requirement is considered fulfilled if the parent or godparent has attended a Baptism Preparation class within the last 2 years. They will need a written letter confirming they have taken the class.
    • Godparents must be 16 years of age and have received all Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Eucharist, and Confirmation). If married, married in the Catholic Church.
    (background picture credit: Jordan Chames)
  • Baptism for adults and children 7 and older

    Children 7 and older as well as adults seeking Baptism are welcome to join OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults; formerly known as RCIA, or Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults).

    To learn more, click here to visit our Newcomers webpage or contact Morningstar Stevenson. (You may also call the Parish Office at (253) 845-7521.) We would be delighted to hear your story and get you started on your journey towards Baptism!