RCIA: A Journey of Faith

"Then they said to each other, 'Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?' "

Luke 24:32, The Walk to Emmaus

For those who are interested in becoming Catholic, or those who wish to return to the Catholic church, the journey begins with the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, also known as RCIA

Here at All Saints, we have a year-round RCIA program to form people as disciples of Jesus Christ in the Catholic Tradition. We accept people whenever they call and express an interest. We do have distinct times of the year which are more formal in terms of content, but you will always be able to join us. Joining the program does not require a formal commitment to joining the Catholic church. It is simply an opportunity to learn about our faith tradition, ask questions, build friendships, and most importantly, cultivate a personal relationship with God. If you are interested in learning more about what the Catholic Church teaches and you would like to be a part of a warm and welcoming Catholic community, please consider joining our RCIA community. 

What kinds of topics are covered?

The year-round cycle starts in the summer. Our first several gatherings are designed to allow time to meet others and our friendly team. In past years, we've gone on picnics, attended plays, taken tours of the St. James Cathedral, and more. 

The formal program begins in the fall. The initial two weeks will be an overview of expectations and an introduction to the journey of RCIA. After that, the following weeks cover Scripture, Tradition, our Creed. The topics are presented by a variety of hand-picked speakers who range from parish staff and volunteers to theology professors and ordained clergy. Each speaker shares from a wealth of experience and personal testimony. 

Throughout the year, there are also numerous opportunities to experience and build a sense of community by participating in parish-wide activities and group retreats. The Catholic faith is very deeply connected to community life, and our program is designed to allow participants to experience that life in as many ways as possible. 

Who can join RCIA?

The make up of RCIA has always consisted of a wide variety of age groups and backgrounds. Typically, groups consist of participants who are in their teens through middle-aged adults. However, we have also had participants who were in retirement age, younger children, and everything else in between. You can even join us if you are ALREADY a Catholic and simply find a topic that interests you or want to support a friend on their journey. We have room in our hearts, our program and our church for EVERY person God calls! Everyone is welcome! 

Ready to get started?

You can join by coming to any of our classes! Starting September, we begin every Sunday at the 9:00am Mass, and then head across the street to the parish center for our class. 

If you would like to meet in person first, please call for an appointment. 


Deacon Dave Jones, Pastoral Associate

Phone: (253) 845-7521

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