All Saints Parish is making a bold move.
In the coming year, we hope to build a new parish rectory. This new facility would enable us to obtain and provide housing for an associate priest, which would greatly increase our capacity for ministering to the spiritual needs of our community. Pierce County is currently the fastest-growing county in the United States, facing unprecedented population increases at a rate of 32 persons per day. We are in dire need of an additional priest who can help serve this rapidly growing population. A new rectory would put our parish in the position of helping to meet that need.
Join us in making a bold move toward the future of our parish community. Make a bold commitment to support our parish rectory build.
To make a donation, click the button below to be directed to our online giving page. Donations of cash or check are also accepted through the parish office or the collections basket at Mass.
Need to know more? Download the Rectory Build Info Sheet to find answers to some of the foremost questions about this project.
Coming up: Sidewalk Party!
Sunday, February 18th, 2018
After the Sunday morning Masses
Celebrate with us! The rectory has made some incredible progress over the last few weeks. Cross the street after the 9am and 11am Masses and see the progress up close. Join us for a special blessing.