We are called to discern our commitment to financially support All Saints Parish every year. To pledge your support for the year 2017, please complete the Stewardship Form below and click "Submit My Pledge". This will allow our parish administration to take your pledge into account when planning the next fiscal year budget.
You are not required to submit credit card information when making your pledge. Payments can be made through your weekly offertory envelopes or directly through the parish office.
If you wish to give through credit card, please complete the Stewardship Form, submit your pledge, and then click the "Credit Card Donations" button below. This will take you to our secure third party donations processing page, where you can set up recurring or one-time donations with a valid credit card.
Again, thank you for your generosity. Your contributions enable us to do the work of spreading the good news of Christ in Puyallup.
If you plan to give by credit card, please click the "Credit Card Donations" button below. If you plan to give by cash, please use your weekly offertory envelopes or the Welcome envelopes in the church pews. Donations may also be made directly to the parish office. For more information, please call (253) 845-7521 or click here to email us.