Special upcoming Masses
November 1, 2024 (All Saints Day; holy day of obligation)
Masses at 8:30 am (with school) and 7 pm
November 2, 2024 (All Souls' Day; not a holy day of obligation)
Mass at 9 am
Visitors may bring photos of deceased loved ones for placement by the altar. (Please pick up your photos after Mass.)
For other times of All Saints and All Souls' Masses within our Parish Family, please visit the websites of St. Martin of Tours and Sacred Heart
Daylight savings reminder
Daylight savings ends in the early morning on November 3, so our clocks "fall back" 1 hour. We look forward to seeing you for Mass this Sunday!
Weekday Masses
Monday to Friday at 8 am
(8:30 am on Wednesdays when school in session)
Weekend Masses
Saturday at 5 pm
Sunday at 9 am, 11 am and 5 pm
Saturday from 3:30 to 4:30 pm
Click the button above to learn how to make a financial pledge to
All Saints Parish for the coming year. Additional resources are available on our 2025 Stewardship webpage here. Thank you for your support!
Tuesdays following Mass until 10 am
Praying the Rosary
Mondays and Wednesdays following 8 am Mass
(8 am Rosary before Wednesday Mass at 8:30 am with school)
Praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Fridays following 8 am Mass
Sacramental Anointing
by request after any Mass